Reconditioned vs. New Appliances
Let’s face it, the current economy has us all strapped for cash and we are all trying to save as much as possible. Because of this, there are many people who are considering purchasing reconditioned appliances rather than new appliances. We all enjoy having new appliances, but new items are steadily increasing in price, some to the point of being outrageous. In order to save money and still have the appliances that make our everyday lives easier, many people are purchasing reconditioned or refurbished appliances. Is this an option that you are interested in? Let’s look at what reconditioned appliances really are and whether they can be trusted for your family’s day to day needs.
What is a Reconditioned Appliance?
A reconditioned appliance is one that has been previously used by someone else. The appliance goes through rigorous testing to ensure that it is in proper working order. In most cases, if the appliance has a motor, it will be replaced as will the seals and gaskets inside of the appliance. The appliance will also be fully cleaned inside an out to look like new. After going through a series of tests, repairs and cleaning then the appliance ready for sale under the category of “reconditioned” or “refurbished.” Since these appliances have been have been previously used, they cost a lot less than their brand new counterparts.
The number one reason to purchase a reconditioned appliance is the price. By purchasing reconditioned machines, you will save a lot of money over purchasing a new one. Even lower end new appliances tend to be outrageously expensive. If the appliance store is having a sale, new appliances are still more expensive than most people can afford, and the ones that are affordable always seem to be sold out before you get to the store. Another positive is that even if you are on a budget, you can afford a brand name appliance that is known for its dependability.
While some may be looking for the latest and greatest model, others may want the best product for their money. Newer doesn’t always mean better. Sometimes tried and true is the way to go. Several brands are always reliable. You can get a really good deal on a reconditioned model that had the latest designs and functions from just a few years ago at a much lower price. Appliances don’t typically change that much for year to year either. A washer that is a couple years old will still be a great washer today, after all most people keep their appliances for 7-10 plus years.
All reconditioned products come backed by a 30-day guarantee, as well as a 23-month limited warranty. You don’t have to worry about buy something that is on its last legs or has non- obvious issues because you have the guarantee and warranty to fall back on if a problem arises. All new appliances come with at least a 1 year warranty but after that you are typically on your own. With a reconditioned appliance you get a longer warranty and more piece of mind.
If you are shopping for a new appliance, be sure to consider purchasing a reconditioned one. You will get a tested, repaired and clean machine that looks and works like new but with a much better price. Come in today to see our large assortment of reconditioned appliances