4257 54th Avenue North | St. Petersburg, FL 33714

M-F: 8am-5pm | Sat: 9am-3pm | Sun: Closed

5 Steps to Keep Your Dryer Lint Free

5 Steps to keep your dryer lint build-up free   It’s not attractive or useful but it’s always there- LINT.  In order to keep your dryer running efficiently and safely you need to take care of lint.  Lint obviously collects in the lint trap but there are other less noticeable areas that need to be cleaned as well. If you follow these steps, your dryer will run well for a long time and be virtually maintenance free.   After each cycle of drying, clean out the lint trap. Remove the trap and take out the lint by hand.  Simplify this by putting a wastebasket nearby. If you notice lint around or next to the trap in the dryer, then you...

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